I'm thinking about my conscious contact at the moment - how is it that I talk to my HP?
I love that program gives me the freedom to talk to my HP however I like. I need to have an honest conversation, taking to the conversation all my defects and all my assets, all my anger, resentment and my gratitude.
I over-talk - and that's no different in my conversations with my HP. Luckily my HP is patient, he lets me talk and reason myself out and when I've said all I want to say, there will be an opportunity to have me listen. This conversation, however lopsided towards me discussing my wants and ideas, helps me to slowly align my will with my HPs will for me.
I seem to be in the midst of a long conversation with my HP - all essentially telling him that he has it wrong for my partner at the moment. I believe my partner just has too much too deal with at the moment, that mine and his HP is just being mean in what they've given him. I hope that deep down I know this is not true, that my partner needs to have this experience for a reason. I am just being selfish, I am just being fearful, I am just being controlling.
I think what I am missing in my life, and in this ongoing conversation with my HP, is asking for help in directing my thinking. I need to actively ask for help in improving my thinking. Tomorrow morning, when I say my step 3 prayer, I am going to ask my HP for help in directing my thinking. And I hope soon I will be done talking about my partner's problems, and be ready to listen to my HPs will for me.
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