Sunday, 11 July 2010

That first bite - no matter what it is

That first compulsive bite gets me every time - no matter what it is, if food is eaten compulsively I will end up in the food.  My insanity is forgetting that, my sanity is admitting I am powerless over food and enlisting my HPs help to not taking the first bite. 

My hunger is for a spiritual connection and the only way to feed that hunger is with a relationship with a higher power.


  1. I am so happy to have found your blog! I am in Texas, USA and I am pretty new to OA. I have only been attending meetings for 3 months. I am starting another meeting tonight at 7! I can't believe this is all happening! 3 months ago, I felt helpless and alone (mostly). Now, I know that there are so many other people who have what I have and are willing to help me and love me. I know what you mean about that first bite. I weigh over 500 lbs and my knees have just about given up so I have a really big (no pun intended) incentive to keep going. I will say that I am dependent on your recovery. No pressure, but this is not about you. Just like my recovery is not about me. Others are dying from this disease. We have to recover to tell them that they can recover. I need you to recover (and slip and tell me to depend on my HP so that I won't slip...) Anyway, thank you for writing this blog!

  2. You've made my day, thank you. It is so nice to know that we are not alone. We are on our journey to recovery - and we are worth it. There is heaps of help out there, just keep asking for it and keep working it. I am constantly amazed by all the little surprises my HP has in store for me - like messages from Texas.
