Sunday, 19 April 2009

Knowing what I am responsible for

We are having lots of newcomers at meetings at the moment. I love that fellowship is attracting new members, but I am struggling with what is my responsibility, what it means for me to 'share the hand of fellowship' means.

I find myself feeling 'less than' when newcomers come to meetings. I tell myself I am not thin enough to encourage people to keep coming back, my story of recovery isn't amazing enough to inspire people or that my sharing is a little weird. Our fellowship is small here and I am often self-conscious of the amount of people and amount of recovery in the rooms.

I need to have more faith that their HP is looking after them, that they are on their own journey of recovery and if it is meant to be they will get what they need.

All I can do is honestly and openly share my experience, strength and hope and encourage them to keep coming back.

It is in sharing my fellowship that I get to keep it.

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