Monday, 23 March 2009

Good intentions

I don't have to go to work today. It is a cloudy, moody day. Grey and uninspiring.

I feel so lucky to not have to work. The money would be good, but a day of self-reflection and working through my chores will be even better.

I need to be in touch with my HP today, to have him guide me in what I need to do. I get so easily distracted by things I think are more interesting and fun than my chores. I need to reflect on my priorities, and what it means that I am procrastinating on them.

Listening to my Higher Power is the hardest thing I do. I often feel disconnected or unsure of what the message is. Today I will listen to my higher power by:

- listening to two talks from the OA speakers bureau

- writing on fears and procrastination

- talking to another member

- doing something creative for 15 minutes that will take me from myself and help me be open to my Higher Power's message

- doing a gratitude list

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